Played football last Sunday, after such a long long time. Seems like it was an alltogether different era when I was a regular in college. And on sunday, 5 minutes into the game, I was panting...totally breathless. Gasping for breath, there I stood, drenched in sweat, throbbing pain in my thighs and feet,blood rushing to my head....
And during all this time, only one thought pounded my brain....Is this me? The guy who did seven continuous lengths in an Olympic size swimming pool? Who ran 10+ rounds of the upper ground in college without much problem? Who played football for 5 continuous hours (After MUQABLA ended, and the floodlights were on for the whole night....It was a dream come true, playing till you grow so tired that you become oblivious to pain) ? Who could play volleyball forever and ever and ever.....
I was on the field hardly for 20 minutes on Sunday...played awfully. Then, depressed, dejected and bereft of feelings, I came back home with an empty head. Then headed straight to the shower. The cool water soothed my aching muscles a bit....
As I stood under the shower, I looked at myself in the mirror. And I didn't like what I saw. My reduced weight was clearly showing on my body. A slight hint of a tummy protruding from my once flat stomach.
And I've shrunk overall, literally. Maybe it doesn't show that much on my face....gets camouflaged by the French Cut I guess.
Have been hearing it from eternity, "Health is Wealth". Its all about the well being of the human body...a wonderful machine created by nature. Never gave it a second thought before. Took it for granted. Well, at least upto last sunday...
I guess it takes one moment. A flash through your mind. One moment to realize that the sense of your own identity is closely linked to the condition of your body. And the effect of health on the psyche of an individual is profound.
My body - My identity - My life.
I feel that I lived that moment last Sunday. Its been 5 days since, and still each paining muscle and each thought seems so real. I can still feel the despair and the pain. The whole thing has constantly lingered at the back of my mind. The shock keeps on growing. I am angry with myself for letting this happen. I am very angry. Just because I have a completely different life now doesn't give me an excuse to ruin myself.
After all, its my body, my identity, my life.
This will not last. I won't let it last........
"Today is the first day of the rest of your life"
(A line delivered by Kevin Spacey in 'American Beauty')
And during all this time, only one thought pounded my brain....Is this me? The guy who did seven continuous lengths in an Olympic size swimming pool? Who ran 10+ rounds of the upper ground in college without much problem? Who played football for 5 continuous hours (After MUQABLA ended, and the floodlights were on for the whole night....It was a dream come true, playing till you grow so tired that you become oblivious to pain) ? Who could play volleyball forever and ever and ever.....
I was on the field hardly for 20 minutes on Sunday...played awfully. Then, depressed, dejected and bereft of feelings, I came back home with an empty head. Then headed straight to the shower. The cool water soothed my aching muscles a bit....
As I stood under the shower, I looked at myself in the mirror. And I didn't like what I saw. My reduced weight was clearly showing on my body. A slight hint of a tummy protruding from my once flat stomach.
And I've shrunk overall, literally. Maybe it doesn't show that much on my face....gets camouflaged by the French Cut I guess.
Have been hearing it from eternity, "Health is Wealth". Its all about the well being of the human body...a wonderful machine created by nature. Never gave it a second thought before. Took it for granted. Well, at least upto last sunday...
I guess it takes one moment. A flash through your mind. One moment to realize that the sense of your own identity is closely linked to the condition of your body. And the effect of health on the psyche of an individual is profound.
My body - My identity - My life.
I feel that I lived that moment last Sunday. Its been 5 days since, and still each paining muscle and each thought seems so real. I can still feel the despair and the pain. The whole thing has constantly lingered at the back of my mind. The shock keeps on growing. I am angry with myself for letting this happen. I am very angry. Just because I have a completely different life now doesn't give me an excuse to ruin myself.
After all, its my body, my identity, my life.
This will not last. I won't let it last........
"Today is the first day of the rest of your life"
(A line delivered by Kevin Spacey in 'American Beauty')