Almost a third of my batchmates smoke. And around a fifth of them are regular ones. I wrote this just out of the blue ... from the perspective of a smoker.
I was a good boy … I didn’t smoke.
But now…I’m a regular , and sometimes I wonder.... Why the hell do I smoke ?
There seems to be no answer....and pondering over the thought, I reach out for another ciggerate.
CIGGERETE SMOKING IS INJURIOUS TO HEALTH. We all know it. The psyche of a common person is bombarded with this notion ever since he/she is born.Its all over the place......television, print, even on ciggerette packets.... and still 60% people people on this planet die a premature death because of smoking.
Why does then a sensible person start to smoke? And why can't he quit ? I bet this riddle would give Einstein a run for his money.
The intense Anti-smokine campaign that a child is subjected to right from the begining has its effect. Young restless minds are there for moulding. Its a spectacular campaign, supported by the three pillars of modern society : politicians,attorneys and Media.
The child knows right from the begining "its bad to smoke". The initial prejudice is very strong....and still, somewhere, somehow, the instinct prevails.
I was a good boy … I didn’t smoke.
But now…I’m a regular , and sometimes I wonder.... Why the hell do I smoke ?
There seems to be no answer....and pondering over the thought, I reach out for another ciggerate.
CIGGERETE SMOKING IS INJURIOUS TO HEALTH. We all know it. The psyche of a common person is bombarded with this notion ever since he/she is born.Its all over the place......television, print, even on ciggerette packets.... and still 60% people people on this planet die a premature death because of smoking.
Why does then a sensible person start to smoke? And why can't he quit ? I bet this riddle would give Einstein a run for his money.
The intense Anti-smokine campaign that a child is subjected to right from the begining has its effect. Young restless minds are there for moulding. Its a spectacular campaign, supported by the three pillars of modern society : politicians,attorneys and Media.
The child knows right from the begining "its bad to smoke". The initial prejudice is very strong....and still, somewhere, somehow, the instinct prevails.

Normally its a dejected, bereft teenager, albeit with some guts, that picks the ciggerate.
Somewhere down the line,the image of a macho (not physically) gets reinforced (Owing to media campaigns by tobacco companies: courtsey Marlboro). Everybody loves a rebel, and smoking is a harmless vice, which sends the message. The feeling of defying the usual societal norm satisfies the Ego of the teenager,giving him a sense of pride and self esteem.
In some cases, the prejudice is weakened if someone elder in the family smokes. This nudges a normal child towards it, owing primarily to curiosity. And then before he knows, it become a habit. And by the time he realises it has become a habit, it actually has become an addiction.
Another major factor is "peer presure".These are usually the school/college friends of the person who starts smoking on his own. They start it as they are too weak to take this decision on their own, and are glad to find someone near to look up to, someone around, who is of same age. These are the guys who usually become chain smokers, because they lack the spine to revert to the non-smoking lifestyle later on.
Another category is of people who want to have an experience of everything. These guys are usually the achievers in life. Good academic record, sound financial background, a belief in themselves (could be somewhat misplaced). They have the desire to remain a step ahead of contemporaries.... to show off that they are allrounders. They primarily believe in the philosophy of "been there, done that".These guys usually quit once they've proven their point...or maybe when their parents ask him/her to do so... or maybe when their spouse asks him/her to do so... or at least when the doctors tell them some years later that they have to give up to live.
What makes people continue smoking? Once the initial age passes, and better sense sets in, what makes people continue with their puffs ...
I guess the answer lies within the individual.the smoker and his cigeratte - Its an intimate relationship...very very private.
Whenever you are in distress, the cigarette is always there. Whenever you are sad, the cigarette is always there. Whenever you are at a loss of words, the cigarette is always there. Whenever you want to celebrate, the cigarette is always there. It doesn't ask awkward uncomfortable questions, it doesn't give advice, it doesn't expect anything from you...
No matter at what crossroad you are in your life, THE CIGARETTE IS ALWAYS THERE.
The psychological effect is hard hitting, and the person thinks of the cigarette as his/her best friend. Someone who'll be there, always.
The relationship has no hassles... no misunderstandings, no commitments, no ego clashes.
This also acts as the strong bridge that often forms the crux of matter between friends. It's true, at any given place, in a group of total strangers, those who smoke are most likely to form the best group ... and that too in no time.The urge to be together is very strong,as very few like to smoke alone. A smoker instinctively likes another smoker, feels comfortable in the other's presence.
This habit reduces the insecurity of a common day to day looser. The person feels complete with a cigeratte in his hand. It becomes an indispensible part of his life. It consumes the person. The enigmatic wisps of smoke take their toll, slowly.
But smoking is bad. Period. Its effects on your health are simply unmanagable once you get addicted. It ruins your health, and your relationships with those around you who don't smoke. Your body craves for more nicotine, and the viscious circle engulfs you. Toubles will far outnumber your imagination .... Cancer, Heart diease, Fluctuating blood Pressure, pathetic stamina, loss of fertility, breathing problems... maybe I could write a seperate blog post on this.
I sincerely believe that the person who gives up smoking has tremendous inner strength. It's easier to reduce the no of ciggeretts from say 20-30 to 1-2 per day....but its a herculean task to reduce from 20-30 to ZERO.
Do it as soon as you can. Do it before you regrett it. Do it before you have to visit a doctor. If you enjoy smoking and think you are not addicted, try this. Keep aside at least a couple of days per week on which you wont smoke at all. Let these days be fixed to start with, then let them be picked up by someone else at random. Then move on and limit the no. of cigarettes per day. Try reshuffling your schedule to reduce the stay at "Smoke hangout points". If possible, try and reduce the time you spend with your smoking pals. Let your friends and family support you on this.
This habit dies hard, so start working on it now. Help yourself, so that one day you will be able to remember these smoking days of yours without any regret and remorse. Smoking for a short while for fun is a bliss, prevent it from becoming a nightmare. Because if it does become your nightmare, believe me, it will be of the worst kind. These will form the happy memories,the memorable time you had with your buddies, the fun you had with that cigarette in your hand ...
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