Monday, March 31, 2008

There's always tomorrow

It happens sometimes. The simplest of experiences make your mind swirl with things totally alien to the situation. That day was no different. The sun rose in the east, Team India lost another match. I was driving at a leisure speed, good old rock music blaring from the speakers of my car. I laid back on the seat, the left hand dangling down lifelessly, the right one barely hung on the driving wheel. It was a real nice road, with tall shady trees on both sides, and a lake on my left, with the golden rays from the Sun piercing the leaves and shining on me.

I just looked down by the side, at the ground below. It went under the wheels so quickly. I don’t know how long I watched the ground, rolling under the wheels. Sounds mundane? Well, didn't feel so at all. It felt strangely serene.

Then I slowly came out of my trance. I looked around and realized I'd covered up quite some distance.And then it hit me. The painful analogy. I live every day, looking at things around me as I looked at the ground below while driving. Everything seems regular and nice and settled. Life is more or less peaceful. But then something always comes along, and breaks that trance.And it ain't a good feeling at all.

Suddenly I realize how far I've come. How much time has passed... How much is still left to be done. I've got to keep the promises I made to myself, to my family, my friends... I dreamed of a perfect life, and I’m nowhere close to living it. It hurts. And eventually, the feeling of being lost somewhere takes over. I moan, I despise, I introspect, and I may even indulge in self pity. I dwell on all the wrong decisions I took, on every opportunity lost, on every instant I held back because of fear or laziness. I feel how I’ve let everybody down, including me. I curse myself, convinced that there can be no tomorrow for me.

Then the sun goes down, and I fall in my bed, trying to sleep, but scared, of all the things, things I don't even know.And then sleep takes over. I can't say whether I squirm in my sleep over it, but the agony ends there.

The next morning is again a Good morning. I return back to my trance. And life is back on track again. Sounds familiar to you? If yes, then I'm afraid I've broken your trance. But don't worry, as tomorrow will be a new day.

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