Monday, March 31, 2008

Problems !!! Doubts !!!

You wake up in the morning. Blurry vision slowly clears up as the eye adjusts to the light. You Strech. Senses become alert again.
Now, what's the first thought that comes to the mind, huh?

Wish I could have slept more.
Shit, another day.
Wow, it's a new day.

If you haven't thought about it ever, give it a thought, because this will give you a peep into how you actually feel about being alive. If you sit up sometime and consciously introspect, the mind will soon get cluttered, and the possibility of an answer will vanish.

We all have problems. They can be solved, either by hard work or by a stroke of luck. But the real trouble begins when you begin to have doubts. Yes, DOUBTS.

There, I don't know what to do with them. Doubts cannot be solved by LOGIC, never. They aren't like a math problem, where 2 + 2 equals 4.

I dont know from where doubts arise, no idea. Maybe it has to do something with the state of a person's self confidence. Maybe it stems from the realisation of the failures of the past. Maybe it mirrors the horrors of one's life, the stuff buried in the closet, which nobody knows, stuff even the person pretends never happened. These give rise to anxieties, insecurities.
That is the trouble. How can you tackle a problem when you don't understand how it originates!

Should I radically change everything? What if my best if not enough?

Only time will tell. Maybe the doubts will clear as I begin to understand their root. I hope they clear. After all, hope is dangerous, but it's a good thing. Maybe when I loose all hope, I'll find clarity and freedom.


Unknown said...

Thats a real good insight in human mind

bhale said...

good one... can you try and write some story for a short film, we have good people to make it here, just that the script is missing...